Wednesday, February 5, 2014

EQ 1

EQ 1--What do you need to do to start a business? Try to list and explain at least 5 things that you would need to consider.

Many different factors come into consideration when starting a business such as location, image, advertising, cost, and time. Location is a huge factor that can largely impact your business, depending on your market will determine the amount of traffic you will want around your business. A local cafe would be better off in a more rural area than say a lumber yard where more space would be needed to maneuver. Image is another key factor, its how you will present yourself in the market and how the public will view you. Advertising is just as important, its a way to show what your business has to offer and helps get your business out there. Cost and time go together but are both equal in importance. You need to think of how long it will take to get up and running and at what cost. All in all, these are just some key factors that are good building blocks to start with.    

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