Friday, April 25, 2014

EQ: 10

We are using Flash to make an animated story.

Timeline - The are where you manage the elements of the video
FPS - how many frames progress per second
Keyframe - a new instace
Stage - the are that displays the scene
tweens - used to create motion, whether it just be to scroll or to transform a shape

Thursday, April 24, 2014

EQ: 7

So far I've enjoyed the logo creating and more so the stuff that really expresses our individual artistic abilities. I did not enjoy the company project, I thought it seemed irrelevant pertaining to digital imaging, I felt it was more business oriented then digital art.
I did this on my own time but its my favorite.

Friday, April 11, 2014

EQ: 9

My presentation went a bit better than expected. The best part was that I actually had the physical project for them to see. The weakest would be the fact that we did not have the packaging label or the letter head. The main thing I learned is that we should have more representation of our actual product itself.

Friday, April 4, 2014

EQ 8

Reflect on company progress.

Why are we creating companies? how does filling out resumes and creating business planes relate to anything in digital imaging? This I do not know and quite frankly upsets me. I took this class to improve on my digital art publishing abilities. Have I learned useful tools, yes I have, does it relate to digital imaging, no. My company/business has made little to no progress for this reason, I WANT DIGITAL IMAGING!