Friday, April 4, 2014

EQ 8

Reflect on company progress.

Why are we creating companies? how does filling out resumes and creating business planes relate to anything in digital imaging? This I do not know and quite frankly upsets me. I took this class to improve on my digital art publishing abilities. Have I learned useful tools, yes I have, does it relate to digital imaging, no. My company/business has made little to no progress for this reason, I WANT DIGITAL IMAGING!

1 comment:

  1. Having a resume that shows you are qualified to do a job in the area is VERY important. These activities were planned to relate to the "real" world. You don't just go out and do digital imaging projects. Digital imaging projects are part of larger projects that include writing. Also tons of graphic arts work independently and have to do all these things to run their own business. Do you have all the advertising elements completed? Those are using Photoshop and Illustrator which is what you want to do. The commercial is in iMovie which is a new program we learned this week. The digital imaging skills are tied into this project in LOTS of ways.
